
Santa carla
Santa carla

santa carla
santa carla

Instead he ended up pulling out a hunting knife and stabbing the priest who heard his confession, Father Henri Tomei. He hoped God would help him find the strength to stop murdering. On All Saint’s Day, just a few days after, Mullin stumbled into a Catholic church in nearby Los Gatos. The voices kept coming, though, and Mullin decided to confess his sins. He actually dissected her, examining her insides like a medical student. Weeks later he committed his next murder, butchering hitchhiker Mary Guilfoyle. He told police that the man had telepathically revealed himself to be Jonah from the Bible, and asked to be sacrificed to save others.


By late 1972 he was fully cracked hearing voices in his head (including that of his military man father) telling him only blood could stop the Big One, Mullin beat a homeless man to death with a base. He might have seemed like another acid casualty to strangers - he had LEGALIZE ACID tattooed on his stomach - but in private he was doing really weird things, like burning the tip of his penis with a cigarette after meditating. Mullin did time in a couple of mental hospitals, always checking himself out. It seems likely that he was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia from his late teens and his abuse of speed and acid probably pushed him closer and closer to psychosis. While popular and successful in high school, Mullin started falling apart not soon after, when his best friend was killed in a car crash. If Kemper was the image of the calm, composed hunter, Mullin was a twitchy maniac. Meanwhile, Herbert Mullin was going very, very insane. He only ended up in jail because he turned himself in. Calculating and intelligent, Kemper was always a step ahead of the police. Kemper was never a suspect in the Co-Ed Killings he hung out at a cop bar called the Jury Room and befriended detectives on the case who shared details of their investigation with him. These murders took place between May of 1972 and April of 1973, when he was finally apprehended after committing two more heinous murders.

santa carla

Rosalind Thorpe, 24 years old, and Alice Liu, 23 years old. Mary Ann Pesce and Anita Lucchese, 18 years old. He took pictures of his hideous, inhuman crimes. Then he would take the corpses home, cut off the heads, rape the heads and chop up the bodies. He shot some, stabbed some and suffocated some. He buried one of his victims’ heads in his mother’s garden talking to police later Kemper said he did it as a joke, because his mother “always wanted people to look up to her.” After fights with her he would pick up hitchhiking girls, drive them to the woods and murder them. He had a stormy relationship with his mother.


Kemper is very much the image of the creepy serial killer weighing in at 300 pounds he had an IQ of 145. He usually went hunting after a fight with his mother. Kemper became active as a serial killer in 1972 and earned the nickname the Co-Ed Killer because he picked up young college students who were hitchhiking and did unspeakable things to them. When his grandfather got home he killed him as well, assuming grandpa would be mad about the murder. His first victims were his grandparents at age 14 he shot his grandmother dead at the kitchen table just to see what it would be like. He took it upon himself to commit sacrifices in the name of the greater good.Įdmund Kemper was just evil. By 1972 the war, which had claimed 58,000 American lives, was winding down, and Mullin feared the quake would come. Herbert Mullin, who claimed 13 victims, thought that the only reason California hadn’t had the Big One earthquake was because the bloodshed in Vietnam had appeased God.

santa carla

One believed he was doing the Lord’s work. They didn’t know each other, they never met, but they cut a swath of terror through the sunny peace of Santa Cruz. Beautiful buzzed people paddled out to sea in Santa Cruz, named Surf City by Surfer Magazine, thanks to its impeccable waves.īut there’s always darkness, and in Santa Cruz the darkness took the form of two psychos, working independently, who managed to kill over 20 people between them during 19. The hippie revolution lingered, the weed burned freely and the surf culture was king. I imagine the early 70s on the central California coast were an amazing time.

Santa carla